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No ResultSon loves them but broke 2 this winter
Bought two of these sticks this year because the first broke just out of warranty and the second promptly did the same. Breaks both right at the heel of the blade. Is this the new weak spot on these sticks? Back to the CCM Trigger 6 I guess...
Kid loves the new twig
kid loves it. Stick is crazy lightweight. He had a goal and 2 assists in the first game. 3 rd game with it and he pulled off the one hand tuck...he's hooked.
Kid loves the new twig
kid loves it. Stick is crazy lightweight. He had a goal and 2 assists in the first game. 3 rd game with it and he pulled off the one hand tuck...he's hooked.
Kid loves the new twig
kid loves it. Stick is crazy lightweight. He had a goal and 2 assists in the first game. 3 rd game with it and he pulled off the one hand tuck...he's hooked.
lively stick!
It has been five years since I bought a CCM stick for the kid. We had one in mites and the blade was junk and I swore I'd never buy one again. They have OBVIOUSLY fixed whatever issues they had. The puck comes off this stick much hotter than his old Vapor or the Battlemode he just broke. He loves it. We may stick with CCM for a while!
A must have
All my son's sticks immediately get Lizard Skins. They look and feel better than tape and he doesn't like the rubber handle options either.
comfy but not durable
I think the neck protection is less than neck guards provide, but its much more comfortable so he is more willing to wear it. The problem I have is there are already two places where it looks like the shirt is just cut. They are both spots where his shoulder pads would be and certainly there has been no cuts through his jersey, shoulder pad and into this shirt. I have no idea how they got there but its disappointing that a $75 shirt is already failing after a couple months of use.