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2 years ago

Well this is my sons 8th broken stick from the FT line in 2 years. 5 broken FT3 pro last season and 3 FT4 pro this season. All 30 flex, all broke in the same spot, right where the blade meets the shaft. Of course all passed the terrible 30 day warranty by CCM. The only reason why I kept buying them was because my son didn’t want to give up that stick. They would break simply by getting hit by a puck or slashed with a stick. Complete garbage! CCM should be paying me for having to deal with all this nonsense for such an expensive stick! I have since moved away from the FT4 pro and went with the Ribcor in 40 flex. Hopefully it will be more durable than the Jetspeed junk!


4 years ago

Garbage. Stick broke in just a few months of off and on play since Covid ruined hockey, so not much use out of this stick, but CCM WONT warranty because it’s past 30 days! What a joke. You would think a 63 lb. 9 yo old would not be able to snap a $179.00 stick. Think again.

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