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No ResultGarbage....breaks like toothpicks
Every player using this stick on our team has broken their Trigger 5. Mine lasted just over the warranty period with very light use. Broke on a simpler slapper...unacceptable for a $270 stick! The Pure Hockey mgr said they had "30-40 broken ones currently in the store truned-in broken within warranty period....the most broken sticks from a model they have ever seen". Moved back to Bauer
Garbage....breaks like toothpicks
Every player using this stick on our team has broken their Trigger 5. Mine lasted just over the warranty period with very light use. Broke on a simpler slapper...unacceptable for a $270 stick! The Pure Hockey mgr said they had "30-40 broken ones currently in the store truned-in broken within warranty period....the most broken sticks from a model they have ever seen". Moved back to Bauer
Garbage....breaks like toothpicks
Every player using this stick on our team has broken their Trigger 5. Mine lasted just over the warranty period with very light use. Broke on a simpler slapper...unacceptable for a $270 stick! The Pure Hockey mgr said they had "30-40 broken ones currently in the store truned-in broken within warranty period....the most broken sticks from a model they have ever seen". Moved back to Bauer