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No ResultGreat stick for smaller players with small hands
Perfect size shaft for 8U players, nice and flashy enough for the little ones. My kid loves it.
Good quality and affordable
My kid loves this helmet. It fits perfectly and he hasn’t complained about anything yet! He has taken multiple shots directly on the helmet and he is fine!
Good quality and affordable
My kid loves this helmet. It fits perfectly and he hasn’t complained about anything yet! He has taken multiple shots directly on the helmet and he is fine!
Great gear and nice design
Bought if for my 9 year old. We thought it would be uncomfortable but it ended up good enough. He wore 3 times now and i have not heard complaints from him. The neck guard offers great protection where the chest pad lacks some of it giving the goalie full coverage. The design fits perfectly and does not cause any problems for the goalie.
Good target, weak magnet
Target is small enough for a good challenge. Reason why is not a 5* product is due to weak magnet used. It could be a little stronger than it is. If you hit the post hard closer to target the target will drop! But it is a great product for target practice