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Spuds Dad

Spuds Dad

Spuds Dad

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Great for a little extra protection

4 years ago

A little extra protection for the kiddo in our covid world, only thing I'd have against it is that it fogs pretty easily even after using an anti-fog. The inside of the bubble was a little tacky, and that seemed to make it fog a lot. Quick rinse with hot water and some menthol shaving cream cut that down.

Great for a little extra protection

4 years ago

A little extra protection for the kiddo in our covid world, only thing I'd have against it is that it fogs pretty easily even after using an anti-fog. The inside of the bubble was a little tacky, and that seemed to make it fog a lot. Quick rinse with hot water and some menthol shaving cream cut that down.

Not that great.

4 years ago

I picked this up to help with face shield fog, but honestly it didn't do all that well. The included cloth left a ton of fuzz on the visor, so use a microfiber that's been washed. But....even though it 'smoothed out' the fog, it didn't prevent it from forming.

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