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Perfect product to save on tape!

3 years ago

These shin pad sleeves are extremely nice and they prevent you in having to tape your shin guards in place. I have 16” CCM Tack 9040 shin guards and they have 2 straps. The top one is not elastic and the bottom one is big and thick. I used to have to tape my shin guards in place with clear tape but not anymore. I went out with these the day I received them. They fit perfectly and securely. My shin guards are always in place now and no movement at all. If you are using sports tape to tape your shin guards in place then this is the solution to your problem. No more wasting money on buying sports tape so these will pay for itself after a few uses. It is stretchy and it fits perfectly over my very well padded and thick shin guards and my shin guards were chosen because I play D and I block a lot of shots. These have never allowed my shin guard to move out of place. I would’ve bought this sooner if I knew this was a thing.

Great protector for your ice hockey sticks!

2 years ago

This WA is the best invention for those of you that like to use you ice hockey stick off the ice. It only adds about 30grams of weight to the blade. Because the WA makes your stick feel heavier training off the ice with this protector only helps strengthen your grip, shot power, and stick handling. You do need To tape up the entire blade from toe to heel not just part of the blade if you are shooting with the WA especially with clappers. I have used this on my True 7X/5X on tennis courts and it doesn’t chew up the WA so it’s all good in my books. Everyone should get this for their expensive hockey sticks!

Good enough for a kid so good enough for me!

3 years ago

It’s a fun toy. I use it to play knee hockey with my 6yo son. Can’t do much else with it.

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