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Not a great helmet

4 years ago

I bought this helmet when I first got into hockey and let's just say I do not want to stick with it. You can tell what price you paid for it based on the quality. It's a good helmet for kids or people who are in non contact leagues, but I wouldn't recommend it for adults just learning. Also, when I wear the cage the helmet pushes into my temples and usually makes my head hurt. Currently looking into a helmet that has better protection and is more comfortable.

Good in theory, flawed in practice

8 years ago

Purchased for my son who desperately wanted a visor style facemask. I was always skeptical of the usefulness of that style- they scratch and fog- no better visibility than a cage when that happens. First problem was fitting the "universal" visor onto my sons helmet. We were eventually successful, but it took some serious elbow grease. He wore the mask for 4 summer tournament games and 3 and 2/3 regular season travel hockey games- a relatively mild, but high hit broke the mask and he had to sit out the last period of play. Going back to the regular cage mask. Better visibility is not worth the risk of a serious injury.

Fits my needs

4 years ago

This bag is perfect for my needs. I play once or twice a week at most. So far this bag has been durable and there is plenty of room for all of my gear. I wear mostly senior gear with some junior and there is still a bit of extra room. I have only had it for a couple months but it is holding up well so far.

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