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Helmet can adjust as they grow, easy to put on, and take off, great fir a first helmet,shipping was fast
Seems like a great helmet, but don't trust the size chart - I couldn't even get it on my head
Was really excited about this helmet, and measured my head multiple times to make sure I ordered the right size, but I can't even get it on my head and the adjustments aren't enough to make it work. Super bummed since I now have to pay for return shipping and order another one, still not knowing if I can trust the size chart. I measured my head multiple times and found it to be right around 22.0, so I ordered a Medium, but maybe these aren't meant for round heads or maybe it's completely wrong. I live in a rural area and there are no hockey stores within 100 miles, so online is my only option. Guess I'll just have to continue the ship and return game...