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Puttin on the foil

Puttin on the foil

Puttin on the foil

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Some work to make it fit, but I like it.

5 years ago

I originally bought a large shield to go with a large RE-AKT helmet, but it was not the right sized mask, far too big. I then got a medium shield and while I got it to fit, I had to really work with it. First, I had to screw the hinges under the bar they connect to, not on top which seems typical. Next, I had to use different j-clips. Even at their lowest, they sat too high and the chin pad was right on my chin, so I could not open my mount. I got a pair of after market clips, drilled a new hole in each, exactly one step above the top default hole. Perfect. Well, almost perfect. It was still a tad closer to my chin that I truly wanted, but good enough. If a set of j-clips that sat just one notch lower could be provided, that would be great. Finally, it was wide. Before messing with it, I contacted Bauer and was told that unlike a cage, it is not possible to adjust the width of the hybrid mask. After trying everything I could that wasn't permanent, I just put some weight on it, squeezing the mask until it caught the j-clips perfectly. The added bonus was that little bit of squeezing game me that tad bit more room for my chin that I was looking for. First game, I wiped the inside with some baby shampoo, which guys I play with who just use half shields swear by. It did not fog up at all. While in the ice the airflow was great. I had no problems with breathing and didn't need to think about it at all. And the improved visibility over a cage, just wow! There was just one downside. When coming off the ice and sitting on the bench between shifts, I could notice the reduced natural airflow. I could breath just fine and again, nothing fogged, but I felt my head was noticeably hotter than with the cage. Given the basic design and concept, I don't know if that can be corrected but I think it's a minor annoyance given the improved visibility.

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