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No ResultGood for beginners
I'm just getting into hockey—playing some pick up roller hockey—and this is perfect. I particularly wanted a helmet that I could easily remove the cage for playing roller, but add back in for ice, on that score it does well.
Decent pants if you can get them cheap
Seems are a bit weak, but the fabric used over the knees is pretty durable. Baggier fit than I'd like, but they're really light. Don't think I would pay full price for them.
Super sticky, but tear quickly
I use them in my older Bauer XR800 skates. The wheels are really sticky and I didn't notice a difference weight wise from the stock wheels I had on my skates. After just a couple uses there was pretty bad tears through the front wheels which wasn't a problem for a long time on my stock wheels.
Greate Upgrade
I have only skated on these three times since I received them but my only complaint is that I didn't order them earlier. My feet felt 1000 times better after skating than they ever have before even with fairly new skates. Skates are much more comfortable and it showed in my skating, especially in the acceleration department.
Kid likes them
I figured it seemed like an interesting idea so I tried a set for my son. 6 months later he's on his 2nd set in his ice skates and also has them in his inline skates. He likes the comfort and feel of them.
Great add on
Definitely using in every pair of skates for now in. Takes the extra space out and adds comfort. Adds an extra snug feel too. Worth it, just wish it was a little cheaper.