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No ResultGreat fitting helmet
Bought this for my son a year ago and he loves it! Great fit quality construction has held up well. And he is on the ice for times a week. Would recommend to a friend.
Rusty if left in bag
The cage will rust easily if left in your hockey bag. other than that it has been a pretty good cage.
4 months and It's falling apart already
Pretty poor when the rivets start pulling out 4 months into using. My last bag lasted 5+ years. Of course it only has a 30 day warranty. Buyer Beware
Nice Hockey Socks
Looks like the type of socks the pros use. The material is the newer type, not the fluffy knitted kind that collects snow easily.
broke 3rd game
For a very expensive blade it must be brittle. In my third game it broke blocking a shot. I skate in a B-C league. I hope this was a fluke but may have to try something else.